Apr 05, 2011 18:53
actor: hu ge 胡歌,
cdrama: unbeatable 無懈可擊之高手如林,
cdrama: world of a beauty 美人天下,
cdrama: modern people 摩登新人類,
actor: nicky wu 吳奇隆,
actor: jones xu/izz tsui 徐正曦/徐正希,
cdrama: the other shore 1945 彼岸1945,
cdrama: bu bu jing xin 步步驚心,
actor: vic chou 周渝民 (仔仔),
actor: roy chiu 邱澤,
cdrama: dash forward 8090向前衝,
cdrama: runaway sweetheart 落跑甜心